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CPT 200: Employee Management System Final Project

import sys
import csv
employeeList = {}
employeeImport = {}
lstMenuOption = ('1', '2', '3', '4', 'Q')
edtMenuOption = ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', 'Q')

validation = False #initialize validation check to "False"
menuSelection = None
numEmployees = None
num = 1

def cls():
def main_menu():
    totalEmployees = len(employeeList) #Display number of employees in the databse
    print('{:~^79}'.format('                              '))
    print('{:~^79}'.format('  Employee Management System  '))
    print('{:~^79}'.format('          James Hardy         '))
    print('{:~^79}'.format('                              '))
    print(' ')
    print('{:^79}'.format('There are (%d) employees in the database\n' % totalEmployees))
    print(' ')
    print('(1) Add new employee(s)')
    print('(2) View all employees in the database')
    print("(3) Search for employee by SSN")
    print('(Q) Exit\n')
    print(' ')
    option = input('Please select an option from the menu: ')
    return option

def edit_menu():
    totalEmployees = len(employeeList) #Display number of employees in the databse
    print('There are (%d) employees in the database\n' % totalEmployees)
    print('{:~^79}'.format('Choose which field to edit'))
    print('(1) Name')
    print('(2) SSN')
    print('(3) Phone Number')
    print("(4) Email")
    print("(5) Salary")
    print('(Q) Exit\n')
    option = input('Please select an option from the menu: ')
    return option

def search_by_ssn():
    search = input('Please enter the SSN you want to find: ')
    for empName in employeeList.keys():
        record = employeeList[empName]
        if record[2] == search:
            global empEdit
            empEdit = empName
            return record

def edit_info(editSelect):
    if editSelect.upper() in edtMenuOption:
        while editSelect.isnumeric() == True:
            if editSelect == '1':
                newName = edit_name()
                return newName
            elif editSelect == '2':
            elif editSelect == '3':
            elif editSelect == '4':
            elif editSelect == '5':
            elif editSelect.upper() == 'Q':
            elif editSelect.upper() != 'Q':
                print('Invalid option, please try again')
                editSelect = edit_menu()
        print('Invalid option, please try again')
        editSelect = edit_menu()

def edit_question():
    yesno = input('Would you like to edit the employee record (y/n): ')
    if yesno.lower() == 'y':
        editSelect = edit_menu()
    elif yesno.lower() == 'n':
    elif (yesno.lower() != ('y' or 'n')) or (yesno.isnumeric() == True):
        print('You have entered an invalid option, please try again')
def edit_name():
    revFName = input("Please enter the employee's first name: ")
    revLName = input("Please enter the employee's last name: ")
    revFullName = revFName + ' ' + revLName
    record[0] = revFName
    record[1] = revLName
    employeeList[revFullName.capitalize()] = employeeList.pop(empEdit)
    return revFullName.capitalize()
def valid(option): #Function to validate menu selection
    if (option.isnumeric() == True):
        if option in lstMenuOption:
            return True
    elif (option.upper() == 'Q'):
        global menuSelection
        menuSelection = option.upper()
        return True
    elif (option.isnumeric() == False):
        print('You have not entered a correct option.')
        return False
def num_employees():
    numEmployees = (input('Please enter the number of employee(s) you are entering (Q to Quit): '))
    if (numEmployees.isnumeric() == True) and (int(numEmployees) < 0):
        print('You have entered an invalid quantity\n')
    elif (numEmployees.isnumeric() == False):
        if (numEmployees.upper() == 'Q'):
            print(' ')
            print('You have entered an invalid quantity')
            return None
        numEmployees = int(numEmployees)
        return numEmployees

def add_employee(): #CPT 200: Functionality 1 part 1
        employeeFName = input("Please Emter the Employee #%d's First Name:" % num)
        employeeLName = input("Please Enter the Employee #%d's Last Name:" % num)
        employeeSSN = input("Please Enter %s %s's SSN (123456789):" % (employeeFName, employeeLName))
        employeePhone = input("Please Enter %s %s's Phone Number:" % (employeeFName, employeeLName))
        employeeEmail = input("Please Enter %s %s's Email Address:" % (employeeFName, employeeLName))
        employeeSalary = input("Please Enter %s %s's Salary:" % (employeeFName, employeeLName))
        employeeFull = employeeFName + ' ' + employeeLName
        employeeInfo = [employeeFName.capitalize(), employeeLName.capitalize(), employeeSSN, employeePhone, employeeEmail, employeeSalary]
        if (employeeFull and employeeSSN) not in employeeList.keys():
            with open('Employee_database.csv', 'a+') as employeeCSV:
                employee_writer = csv.writer(employeeCSV)
            print('Employee is already in the database, please try again.')
        return employeeFull.upper(), employeeInfo

def view_all_employees(): #Function to display all the keys of employeeList, Functionality 1 part 2
    print(' ')
    print('The following employees are currently in the database\n')
    for key in employeeList.keys():
        record = employeeList[key]
        print('{:~^79}'.format(' %s ' % key))
        print('SSN: %s' % record[2])
        print('Phone: %s' % record[3])
        print('Email: %s' % record[4])
        print('Salary: $%s' % record[5])

def view_employee(empName): #Funtionality 1 part 2.5
    record = employeeList[empName]
    print('{:-^79}'.format(' %s ' % empName))
    print('SSN: %s' % record[2])
    print('Phone: %s' % record[3])
    print('Email: %s' % record[4])
    print('Salary: $%s' % record[5])

def import_employees():
    with open('Employee_database.csv', 'r') as csvfile: #Opens the student answer file, and closes once finished
        employee_reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
        first_row = True
        for row in employee_reader:
            #Skip the first row with column names
            if first_row:
                first_row = False
                fullName = row[0] + ' ' + row[1] #Creates full name for dictionary key
                employeeList[fullName] = row
            except IndexError:
    print('The following employees were imported:\n')
    for employee in employeeList.keys():
    print(' ')
    input('<Press Enter to Continue>')

    with open('Employee_database.csv', 'w') as employeeCSV:
                employee_writer = csv.writer(employeeCSV)
                csvrow1 = ['FirstName','LastName','SSN','Phone','Email','Salary']
    while menuSelection == None:
        menuSelection = main_menu()

        if menuSelection.upper() in lstMenuOption: #Menu option selection
            while (menuSelection.isnumeric() == True):
                if menuSelection == '1':
                    while numEmployees == None or numEmployees == 0:
                        numEmployees = num_employees()
                    for employee in range(0, numEmployees, 1):
                        employeeFull, employeeInfo = add_employee()
                        employeeList[employeeFull] = employeeInfo
                        numEmployees = numEmployees - 1
                        num = num + 1
                        if (numEmployees > 0):
                            print('Prepare to enter employee #%d' % num)
                    menuSelection = None #Reset check values to default
                if menuSelection == '2':
                    input('<Press Enter to Continue>')
                    menuSelection = None #Reset check values to default
                if menuSelection == '3':
                    record = search_by_ssn()
                    menuSelection = None
                if menuSelection == '4':
                    menuSelection = None
            else: #(menuSelection.isnumeric() == False):
                if menuSelection == 'Q':
            print('You have not selected a valid option. Please try again.')
            menuSelection = None
except ValueError:
    print('You have not selected a valid option. Please try again.')


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