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Showing posts from August, 2018

CPT 200: Employee Management System Final Project

import sys import csv employeeList = {} employeeImport = {} lstMenuOption = ('1', '2', '3', '4', 'Q') edtMenuOption = ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', 'Q') validation = False #initialize validation check to "False" menuSelection = None numEmployees = None num = 1 def cls():     print('\n'*50)     def main_menu():     totalEmployees = len(employeeList) #Display number of employees in the databse     print('{:~^79}'.format('~'))     print('{:~^79}'.format('                              '))     print('{:~^79}'.format('  Employee Management System  '))     print('{:~^79}'.format('          James Hardy         '))     print('{:~^79}'.format('...

CPT 200: Functionality 4 - Strings, Lists, and Dictionaries - Search by SSN and Edit Employee Information

import sys employeeList = {} lstMenuOption = ('1', '2', '3', 'Q') edtMenuOption = ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', 'Q') #i = 0 #loop count variable validation = False #initialize validation check to "False" menuSelection = None numEmployees = None num = 1 def cls():     print('\n'*50)     def main_menu():     print('~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~') #53 Characters     print('(1) Add new employee(s)')     print('(2) View all employees in the database')     print("(3) Search for employee by SSN")     print('(Q) Exit\n')     totalEmployees = len(employeeList) #Display number of employees in the databse     print('There are (%d) in the database' % totalEmployees)     print('~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~')     option = input('Please select an option from the menu: ')     return ...

CPT 200: Functionality 3 - Loops and Functions

import sys employeeList = {} lstMenuOption = ('1', '2', '3', 'Q') #i = 0 #loop count variable validation = False #initialize validation check to "False" menuSelection = None numEmployees = None num = 1 def main_menu():     print('-----------------------------------------------------')     print('(1) Add new employee(s)')     print('(2) View all employees in the database')     print("(3) Check employee's information")     print('(Q) Exit\n')     totalEmployees = len(employeeList) #Display number of employees in the databse     print('There are (%d) in the database' % totalEmployees)     print('-----------------------------------------------------')     option = input('Please select an option from the menu: ')     return option def valid(option): #Function to validate menu selection     if (option.isnumeric() == True):  ...

CPT 200: Fundamentals of Programming Languages

    During my quest to obtain a Bachelor of Information Technology from Ashford University, my fourth class was CPT 200: Fundamentals of Programming Languages.  For that class, the programming language that is taught is Python 3.     On the first week of class, we were asked to create code that would ask a user to input several pieces of information about any specific employee.  We were to use the variables: employeeName, employeeSSN, employeePhone, employeeEmail, and employeeSalary.  After the data was inputted, it needed to be printed on the screen.  Below was what I turned in for Functionality 1:     During the second week of class, we were to read two chapters: Chapter 3: Types and Chapter 4: Branching.  These chapters introduced us to the different types of variables that can be used within Python as well as how to use branching in your scripts. For the second functionality, we were instructed to adjust ou...